Celebrity Fifteen to One starts on Friday at 8pm on Channel 4

The new series of Celebrity Fifteen to One starts on Friday at 8pm on Channel 4. Adam Hills (@adamhillscomedy) is back as host and the fifteen strong line-up is as follows: Sean Locke (@TheSeanLock) Kay Burley (@KayBurley) Alex James (@TheAlexJames) Sally Phillips Tony Hadley (@thetonyhadley) Bill Oddie (@BillOddie) Emily Atack (@EmAtack) Christian O’Connell (@OC) Charlie Brooks (@charliebrooks0) Joe Lycett (@joelycett) Nicky Clarke (@NickyAClarke) Alison Hammond (@alisonhammond2) Hugh Dennis Brian McFadden (@BrianMcFadden) Michael Vaughan (@MichaelVaughan) Follow them and play along on Twitter using @Fifteentoone!